In Caucasus region, there are three countries namely Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. You may not easily locate these countries on the map. Many people are also not much aware of these countries.
However, with the tours to Caucasus, you can visit these three countries and you will be pleasantly surprised. Let us know few reasons for visiting these countries. If you want to get more information follow our website.
- Asian country with European look
Though these countries are part of Asia, you will find the influence of middle east, Russia and European culture in varying degree in these countries. Also, it is not crowded with tourists.
- People are religious, but not too rigid
Religions of all the three countries are different. Azerbaijan is an Islamic country, Armenia has Apostolic Church and people in Georgia are orthodox Christian. However, people in none of these countries are too serious about religion.
- Diverse cityscapes
You will find different kind of architectural designs in all the three countries and they are so distinct from each other.
- Beautiful landscapes
You can find views of mountains in all the three countries and in few of them you can also enjoy seaside.
- Receive warm welcome
After separating from Soviet Union, all the three countries are engaged in the development of their tourism industry and hence you will always be welcomed as a tourist.
- Delicious cuisine
You will get many different kinds of delicious foods in all the three countries at affordable prices.
You will certainly enjoy your stay in all these countries and also find that each one has their distinctive identity. |
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