Resolving The Alcoholism Problem In The Employees

Written by jessicaolien on 3. September 2018 08:44 o'clock


Alcoholism is one of the biggest addictions apart from the drug abuse and other substance abuse which has ruined the lives of many people. It has resulted in the loss of thousands of human hours of work in various organizations. The financial loss is the loss which could be revocable but the irrevocable loss to the brand of the company is the loss which should be significant to the company. In order to ensure that such losses are reduced in due course of time, the responsible employees of the company should be made to undergo reasonable suspicion training video as a part of the strategy of the management to ensure such things do not happen and also to help the addict so that they come out from the addiction. If you want to get more information follow our website.


Training program to help the addict

The employer has to take the plunge of helping the addict to come out from the addiction. Although the general notion of the employer is how the management is concerned with the personal habits of an individual. This is the wrong way of handling the situation as it will make the addict go in the state of depression knowing that the employer is not going to help him with his rehabilitation program. This example could pose the image of the employer as indifferent in the eyes of the employees. The management needs to train the employees to treat the addict with empathy and should be considered as a person who could not find the right path to express his frustration and other negative feelings which resulted in addiction.


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