What Is Bankruptcy And Need Of Attorney For It?

Written by jessicaolien on 27. July 2018 07:32 o'clock


There are several social situations that make a person suffer a lot like divorce, foreclosure, job loss etc. There is a situation of bankruptcy that comes after such cases; it involves piling up of debts on an individual. When the debts of a person go beyond recovering then the bank recovers them by carrying auctions over the assets that particular person has. This leaves that person helpless. The person suffers on his own without any facility or source. You can find more information here.

Attorney to handle bankruptcy

When you are in Temecula that means you are under Riverside county law and this law allows some consolation over bankruptcy situation. But for that you need to hire an experienced Temecula bankruptcy attorney. His knowledge over laws can help you to come out of the situation. He will be with you throughout the processes. You will get the help from the filing of the discharge of the debt to confirming of the final plan of repayment. He can help you with the following two types of bankruptcy which are:

Chapter 7: This is the type of bankruptcy that involves the recovering of the debt can be done by the trustee through selling of some of your property. You must agree with this as the state law will also protect your assets that you are allowed to keep by yourself.

Chapter 13: The Chapter 13 bankruptcy is applicable mostly on the rich individuals. In this case the individual is allowed to keep his property but he is forced by law to pay the creditors the amount of his debts within five years under the payment plan of chapter 13.


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